Frequently Asked Questions.

So what’re you waiting for? Now that we’ve made it easy, go.

Is Eazigo free?

Yes! Eazigo is free to download on the App Store.

How do I use Eazigo?

Welcome to Eazigo! Here are the basics to get you started. If you don’t have Eazigo yet, tap here to download the app.

Home Screen
Here, you’ll find a feed of public itineraries made by travelers from all over the world. Tap on a trip to explore its details.

Profile Screen
This is where you store and manage your trips. Any trips that you create, duplicate or participate in will be shown here.

On the Home Screen, tap the magnifying glass to search. You can find trips that you might like from travelers you don't yet follow in Eazigo.

How can I duplicate a trip?

When you’re in a trip, tap the more button on the top right, then Duplicate.

How can I share a trip?

When you’re in a trip, tap the more button on the top right, then Share.

How can I change my trip’s visibility settings?

When you’re in a trip that you own, tap the more button on the top right, then Edit Trip. Scroll down and tap Advanced Settings.

How can I change my profile photo?

On the Profile Screen, tap the menu bar, then Edit Profile. Tap on the icon with the pencil to change your profile photo.

How can I delete my account?

On the Profile Screen, tap the menu bar, then Edit Profile. Tap Delete Profile to delete your account.

How can I turn off push notifications?

On the Profile Screen, tap the menu bar, then Settings. Toggle the Push Notification’s on and off button.

How can I change my password?

When you’re logged out and on the welcome screen, enter your email, then tap Proceed. Tap Forget password? to reset your password.

How can I log out?

On the Profile Screen, tap the menu bar, then Log Out.

How can I report a bug or make a suggestion?

On the Profile Screen, tap the menu bar, then Settings. Tap Contact Us to send us a message. Describe the bug or suggestion and add an attachment if you have one.

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Contact us and we'll be happy to help!

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